Monday, August 22, 2011

Forrest Service re-opens for camping in Apache-Sitgreaves following Wallowa fire

Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest officials reopened more areas this week that burned in this year's Wallow wildfire, the largest fire in Arizona's history. Open roads are marked with white arrow signs.

Many developed campgrounds in the fire area are open for use including Acre Lake, KP Cienega, and Stray Horse. Some areas will remain closed through at least the next several months including South Fork Campground.

All the developed recreation sites along the East Fork and West Fork of the Black River are also open.

Dispersed camping is allowed within 30 feet of any route designated as open with a white arrow, in areas designated as open. NOTE: This is part of the new Travel Management Plan and is a change from previous rules. Forest entry and dispersed camping farther than 30 feet from an open roadway is allowable by non-motorized means only, and only in areas designated as open on the map.

Throughout the coming weeks, visitors can expect that trails signed as open have been cleared of most hazards such as downed and falling trees.

All other trails in designated open areas have not been mitigated and pose a higher risk to users. Each visitor is responsible for his or her own safety. The Forest Service warns, before choosing a parking or camping spot, "Look Up, Look Down, and Look Around."

Falling trees, stump holes and flooding continue to exist throughout the forest.

Check here for additional roads and areas that are open, and for a copy of the closure order, a comprehensive list of roads, trails, and recreation sites, as well as maps indicating open and closed areas, visit the forest's website.

NOTE: Closure violations are punishable by a fine of as much as $5,000 for individuals and imprisonment for as long as six months, or both. This, too, is part of the new Travel Management Rules.

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